Sunday, July 22, 2012

Do Birth Control Pills Help Your Acne? | Health News

Do Birth Control Pills Help Your Acne?

Article by Wong Darren

Do Birth Control Pills Help Your Acne? ? Health ? Fitness

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Since birth control pills or oral contraceptives are popular with many people, there just might be a chance that this approach to treating acne might gain ground. Birth control pills or oral contraceptives can control androgens from performing their tasks. But does it really work? There?s only one way to find out.

When to Use Birth Control Pills?

The pill helps to even out the irregular flow levels of your estrogens and progesterone. You will want to use birth control pills if:

1) You regularly engage in sex with one or more partners and need oral contraceptives.

2) You regulate your monthly cycle through oral hormonal therapy.

3) You are taking the anti-acne drug Accutane.

The pill alone is all that?s needed by women who have mild acne and need oral contraceptive protection at the same time. Acne that is moderate to severe requires stronger treatment measures ? an oral contraceptive which can be used in tandem with either topical or oral acne therapies.

Alternative Contraceptive Methods Against Acne

If for moral or religious grounds you are unwilling to take the pill or switch to other contraceptive methods, you may want to consider other curative options such as anti-androgens or physical therapy.

The other methods of hormonal contraception like the birth control patches and rings affect acne differently and can sometimes aggravate it. Depo-Provera, a contraceptive injectable which contains synthetic progesterone, can even initiate a severe acne breakout from time to time.

Accutane (isotretinoin) is a very potent anti-acne preparation that has been linked to severe birth deformities. Women undergoing Accutane treatment are often prescribed birth control pills to stop pregnancy from occurring. Apart from abstaining from sex, the first line of defense in birth control for women taking Accutane is the pill.

Taking birth control pills for acne treatment has its share of advantages and disadvantages. Be on the safe side. Seek your doctor?s advice to know what is the right birth control pill for you.

How Does Birth Control Pills Work on Acne Control?

The role of birth control pills in acne treatment is to keep androgens from affecting the oil glands. Birth control pills contain estrogen which regulates the female?s monthly cycle to discourage ovulation. Apart from inhibiting ovulation, estrogens help treat acne by:

1) Decreasing the release of free testosterone or androgen from the ovary

2) Preventing the released free testosterone from stimulating the oil glands to manufacture and release excess oil.

Estrogens can diminish the rising amount of androgen in your system by releasing great amounts of SHBG proteins that ?capture? and stick to the androgens, preventing them from stimulating the oil glands to release excess oil that triggers acne.

The most effective oral contraceptives in the treatment of acne are the ones that have estrogen and progestin, a man-made progesterone, working in tandem. The standalone progestin pill, also known as the minipill, is a good oral contraceptive with less adverse reactions. The more recent progestins have the capability to show great improvements against acne.

About the Author

Wong Darren is an online medical researcher on acne treatment and skin care. He has completed 20 Acne Medication Reviews and 30 Acne Treatment Reviews. For more information, visit his website: Acne Treatment 2009 now.

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Wong Darren

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