Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fox and Friends: Punked By Obama Supporter!

A comedian pretending to be a disillusioned former supporter of President Barack Obama appeared on Fox & Friends today and gave an utterly ridiculous interview.

Max Rice appeared via satellite during a segment on the staggering unemployment rate for people ages 18-24 and its impact on Obama in November's election.

Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson introduced Rice as a "recent college grad who voted for President Obama" and who "just moved out of his parents' home."

Quickly, it became obvious that Rice was pulling one over on Fox News.

Rice interrupted Carlson's introduction, saying "S'up," and then told her, "Miss USA, it's an honor." Carlson noted that she was actually Miss America, not USA.

"Miss Universe in my book," he said, going on to state that "I was a huge Obama supporter in 2008 ... I met him in third grade. I met him when I was little."

Asked why he is now supporting Mitt Romney, Rice claimed he lost a bet in a pickup basketball game. "Are you being serious about this or not?" Carlson asked.

"Yeah," Rice said. "I can't see your face right now. This is so weird."

Not to mention hilariously random. It's unclear how "not ready for prime time" Rice finagled this gig in the first place, but hopefully they have him back on.

Election 2012:


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