Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Biomat ? Could it Be the Answer to All Modern Health Concerns ...

Before we can be in a position to connect the dots, in order to see whether Biomat could be the panacea to all modern health problems, it would be important for us to have a look at the dots first: by way of getting an introduction to Biomat, and by way of briefly exploring the modern health concerns.

As it turns out, many things that were considered to be major health concerns in the last two centuries are no longer a threat to human existence, or even to human wellbeing at a personal level. Major strides that have been made in the medical sciences field have seen to this. Illnesses that were once considered to be equivalent to an automatic sentence are today summarily treated with a series of jabs, or even a single pill and promptly dismissed.

But modernity has come with its own set of health concerns. The modern person, faced as he is with lots of food (following improved, hi-tech agricultural production) and little to do physically (following the mechanization of most things) finds himself with a body-weight problem. Being more of a mental than a physical worker, the modern person finds herself faced with lots of psychological stress, which if not well addressed, tends to lead into some physical manifestations.

The modern person, due to the 24-hour work system which has been eventually developed, finds himself or herself faced with sleeping problems which the ?simple? person of just a few centuries ago didn?t have. Consequent to his weight problems, stress and sleep issues, the modern person finds himself faced with circulation problem; hence the higher incidence of heart attacks and strokes.

The modern person also finds himself exposed to more toxins, thanks mainly to the fact that most of the food he eats is industrially processed and preserved, with extensive use of scary sounding chemicals. And further still, the modern person finds himself or herself living at a time when they have to look their best, because this is a time when ?looks matter a great deal.?

Now turning to the Biomat, this is a specially-designed mat, which is meant to deliver a number of health benefits to its users by way of supplying their bodies with lots of negative ions, infrared light energy and amethyst crystal.

And from a look at the specific health benefits that Biomat promises, one gets a feeling that it could be the answer to all modern health problems. To the weight problem, for instance, Biomat comes with a promise to spur the accelerated and sustained burning of calories in the body, which would lead to weight loss. To the sleep problem, Biomat promises to induce deep sleep, through the infrared light energy it supplies the body with.

To the circulation problems, Biomat turns out to be one of the best answers available, as it has the effect of improving blood circulation in the body, thus relieving the user of problems like high blood pressure; which tend to come following any obstructions in the path of blood flow. And to the ?looks problem? Biomat comes with the potential to greatly reduce the so-called ?free radicals? whose presence on the body is what brings about hastened aging and other aesthetic problems.

To the toxins problem, Biomat offers some relief by way of providing the body with amethyst crystal ? which has an effect of, among other things, greatly strengthening the colon, the kidneys and the liver; the very organs charged with the role of ridding the body of toxins.


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